7 Common Myths About Air Conditioning Systems

We rely on our air conditioners to keep us cool and comfortable, but do we really understand how they work? There’s a lot of misinformation out there that can make using your AC feel more complicated than it needs to be.  In this blog, we’ll bust seven air...

How Does Air Conditioning Impact Indoor Air Quality?

Air conditioning is a staple in many homes, providing much-needed relief during hot summer months. While it’s great for maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature, it also plays a significant role in air conditioner air quality. Let’s explore how air...
Dehumidifier vs Air Conditioner: What’s the Difference?

Dehumidifier vs Air Conditioner: What’s the Difference?

Have you ever wondered about the difference between a dehumidifier and an air conditioner? If so, you’re not alone. Both devices play crucial roles in maintaining a comfortable indoor environment, but they do so in very different ways.  In this article,...
Heat Pumps Vs Air Conditioners: Which is Better?

Heat Pumps Vs Air Conditioners: Which is Better?

When it comes to warming your home, you have options: heat pumps and air conditioners. Set up by the best HVAC professionals, both keep your space snug and comfortable. However, they are two different HVAC systems. In this article, we’ll examine the differences...
Is a Mini-Split Unit Right for Your Home?

Is a Mini-Split Unit Right for Your Home?

Mini-split ACs provide efficient heating and cooling and offer air filtration and purification features. But are they the best units for your home? Can a homeowner install a mini-split on their own? Or should they call HVAC professionals? In this article, we’ll tackle...